
EarlyBirds Can Help with Avoiding Nasty Shocks from Technologies Shaping the Next Ten Years

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EarlyBirds, an Australian firm that has created a Business to Business (B2B) open ecosystem that enables early adopters, innovators, and subject matter experts (SMEs) to come together and collaborate to hasten technology advancement and adoption in an organisation, wants to point out that they can help organisations avoid the unpleasant surprises from new technologies. More about EarlyBirds can be gleaned from

Being prepared for new technologies is vital in the coming decade, according to an article published by the World Economic Forum that cited a McKinsey report on the top 10 trends that will affect the next decade. According to Forbes, there are several ways by which businesses would be able to keep up with the new technology trends, such as: focusing on those trends that are suitable for their case and knowing what technologies are making impacts; setting aside some time for research to study what the organisation can do differently and identifying what are those things that can be automated and made more efficient; thinking about the next two to three years for the business; being aware of ongoing industry developments; and focusing on differentiation that provide the business with an edge over competitors.

Another way to help keep up with new technology trends is to always be aware of what customers are saying. This is a great way to discover what can be done to help them and how new technologies can be used to better serve customers. Also, members of a company’s tech team can participate in local groups of interest. This would be helpful because other organisations in the area typically have the same challenges, opportunities, and trends. Joining local groups allows the team members to be aware about these things. To be aware of emerging technologies, it may help for businesses to become early adopters and more about this can be found from

The dilemma often faced by organisations is that business owners and managers are typically busy with managing ‘business-as-usual', giving them little or no time to focus on technology trends. This is one of the main reasons for the EarlyBirds open innovation system. The Early Birds Explorer and Challenger programs have been designed to allow businesses to focus on researching trends that are suitable for their specific use cases and offer constant learning of the ongoing industry developments that affect both the present and the future.

The EarlyBirds open innovation ecosystem is made up of two major components – its award winning open ecosystem platform and programs . The Explorer program is intended to hasten the technological innovation process for the whole organisation as a service. The Explorer program has several salient features, such as: a nominated SME for the business; weekly webinars to help stimulate innovation in the organisation; quarterly and monthly innovation days; a focus on specific types of innovations; and a platform enterprise license. The Challenger program, which is for those organisations who prefer to concentrate on one specific challenge for the business at a time. EarlyBirds also offers the Edzlity framework that can help businesses in their continuous improvement efforts with the end goal of having a better competitive edge and organisational agility.

The Explorer program is the ideal strategic choice to address all of the previously mentioned needs when it comes to new technology with options to participate in Challenger Programs, run innovations days and develop Innovation Maps based on technical sectors or business themes that are appropriate for an industry. The Challenger Program is designed to solve a specific business or technical issue in a weeks. This is all underpinned by the EarlyBirds award winning global open innovation ecosystem that has more than 4 million innovators. Meanwhile, innovators who want to take part in the Early Birds open innovation system can go to

Those who would like to know more about Early Birds open innovation ecosystem platform and programs and how it will help companies adopting and introducing innovative technologies in their organisations and avoid any unpleasant surprises from new technologies can visit the EarlyBirds website.

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About EarlyBirds :

Early Birds is a B2B platform for Innovators (Startups/Scaleups/Mature), Early Adopter organisations and SME consultants to solve business challenges.

Contact EarlyBirds:

Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose


+61 401 287 060

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