
Rhythm Offers Safe And Secure Solution To Bridge DeFi And The Music Industry

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Johnsonville, Wellington -

Wellington, New Zealand based BeatPlaylist LLC is pleased to introduce Rhythm, a decentralized music token ecosystem that aims to bridge the gap between DeFi and the music industry. Their mission is to pave the future of both the crypto and music industry by providing a new and improved solution for paying artists. Complete details about Rhythm can be found at

Rhythm is a type of DeFi currency under the BeatPlaylist LLC brand, which is a legally registered New Zealand Company that was founded in 2017. BeatPlaylist LLC is the developer of BeatPlaylist, a desktop music streaming platform powered by Youtube that was launched in Beta in Q3 of 2021. Rhythm will be integrated into the BeatPlaylist system as the platform’s preferred currency, powering their NFT albums, singles, playlists and pins. It will also offer wallet perks, such as free premium access to wallet holders of more than 10 million tokens.

The team behind Rhythm explains that users do not have to worry about their safety and security because its contracts use a Safemoon contract base and go through Safemoon's stringent CERTIK audit. This means that Rhythm is free from any issues or bugs. Rhythm also features the artist tax function, which was thoroughly tested on Testnet before launch. Additionally, they have received an audit from TechRate, one of the leading analytics agencies focused on blockchain technology and engineering.

BeatPlaylist LLC will continue to expand in Q4 of 2021 and start to transition BeatPlaylist out of the beta testing phase. They will also begin to announce their first group of partnered artists and begin developing the artist payout system. BeatPlaylist will also be integrated with Discord and start to allow users to purchase Rhythm directly into their wallet through their credit/debit card.

The future looks bright for BeatPlaylist LLC for 2022 and beyond. In fact, they plan to partner with over 100 artists, allow music producers to sell their beats on the market and enable popular community-made playlist owners to sell their playlists as NFTs on the community market. They also want to help small and upcoming artists by releasing a GoFundMe style fundraiser inside the platform. Artists and music producers may follow Rhythm on Twitter to stay up to date with Rhythm and BeatPlaylist LLC’s news and announcements.

In the future, BeatPlaylist aims to partner with Google and merge the platform with YouTube to become the default music streaming platform for Google. The company wants to develop a BeatPlaylist mobile app with direct access to YouTube's API on mobile. They also want to partner with concerts/events and release NFT Tickets (Sellable & Tradeable) for users with valid tickets to partnered events.

In addition, those who have purchased the premium version of BeatPlaylist using Fiat will get to enjoy a myriad of benefits. In fact, 25% of all Fiat paid premium subscriptions will be invested into the Rhythm Liquidity Pool every month. This means that all of BeatPlaylist’s premium subscribers, including holders and non-holders of Rhythm, will be investing in the Rhythm ecosystem.

When asked about the safety and security of investors and users, BeatPlaylist LLC CEO Ryan Davern explains that in regards to owner control, BeatPlaylist LLC is a legally registered New Zealand company that is governed by a central board which is subject to governmental regulations and law. He also asserts that Rhythm is not a rug-pull token but an innovative solution to bridge the gap between the crypto and music industry. Furthermore, he asserts that BeatPlaylist LLC holds full ownership of the Rhythm smart contract and will not be renouncing ownership because they do not want to limit their ability to implement necessary changes and upgrades without an entire contract migration.

There are many benefits to using DeFi currencies, according to SmartAsset. Some of the major advantages include cost, speed and security. Anyone with an internet connection has access to blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Users are also able to make trades and move their assets whenever they want without having to wait on bank transfers or pay bank fees.The blockchain is also updated as soon as a transaction is made, and interest rates are updated multiple times in a single minute.

Artists and music producers who want to join BeatPlaylist may do so by signing up on the BeatPlaylist website. Those who are interested in DeFi currencies may also join Rhythm on Telegram to learn more about how it can revolutionize both the crypto and music industry.

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About Rhythm :

Rhythm is the token powering the BeatPlaylist music streaming platform, which boasts a library of over 100 million songs, offering holders in-app rewards, perks, NFTs, and powering the Artist Partner Program.

Contact Rhythm:

Ryan Davern

184 Mclintock Street North Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand 6037


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Additional News Releases From Rhythm:

December 21, 2021BeatPlaylist Rebrands to Rhythm Music

September 22, 2021Rhythm Offers Safe And Secure Solution To Bridge DeFi And The Music Industry