
Sequel To Controversial Cult Classic Documentary Reveals New Discoveries About Ancient Egypt

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The producers of the cult classic documentary "Magical Egypt" are announcing a new run of episodes, with the first episode scheduled for release for in December 2015. The much anticipated new series promises to reveal several discoveries that answer some of the longest standing mysteries of this ancient civilization.

The arena of Egyptology has been fraught with contention and infighting among academics and historians alike, but after centuries of unsatisfying theories, the real mystery - the 800lb gorilla and the unexplainable degree of technological advancement and scientific acumen demonstrated at a time when humanity is supposed to be at its primitive beginning - is still almost never addressed.

Classic Documentary - Magical Egypt

While orthodox Egyptology remains mired in academic deadlock, many of the most significant breakthroughs have come from "outsiders," who are bringing a much wider array of specialties and sciences to bear on the ancient mysteries. Computer programmers, linguistics experts, acoustic engineers, architects, astronomers, psychologists and visual artists are proving again and again that amazing discoveries about ancient Egypt still await those who can look at the problem with fresh eyes, and with an imagination and an intellect more in alignment with that of our distant ancestors.

"It's probably not a huge surprise that the real treasures and revelations here are not in the dirt and the bones, but in the living art - the symbolism and hieroglyphic reliefs and the fanatically intricate funerary art and artifacts," says series producer Chance Gardner. "And so after years of waiting, the artists are stepping in to perform a sort of 'cultural forensic reconstruction' from the dense web of symbolism and myths held in the art. Almost immediately, the ancient ruins began to speak after millennia of enigmatic silence."

A pivotal discovery of a hidden language embedded in the ancient sacred art has allowed an unprecedented new view into Egyptian civilization, and has prompted a radical "re-appraisal" of the intellect and general level of technical development of our most distant ancestors. It demonstrates an unexpected intelligence, and a highly developed technological science. But one with fundamental differences with modern western science. This is a science that is almost completely in service of studying, manipulating and expanding consciousness, and for accessing the further frontiers of human intellect and the vast untapped potential of mind.

The translation of the hidden coded language reveals itself to be a collection of "schematics" and "wiring diagrams" for the human mind and extended aspects of consciousness. Gardner says: "It hasn't escaped us that the whole thing appears to be very akin to the long lost "owners manual" for the human experience, which is so conspicuously missing from modern life. Like any good owner's manual, the ancient corpus provides clear instruction for the DIY psychonaut who wishes to understand the obvious and less obvious functions and abilities of consciousness, and more importantly, understand how to access states of intelligence, creativity and epiphany that appear to be nothing short of supernatural."

The Magical Egypt series features some of the brightest minds and most controversial voices from what many are calling "The new counterculture", including Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, Robert Bauval and a whole new generation of researchers opening a dramatic new window into the ancient mindset and the inexplicable genius of our most distant ancestors.

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About Magical Egypt :

Magical Egypt is an episodic investigative documentary that focuses on the biggest and least discussed mystery of the ancient world.

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Vanese McNeil

25 Ocean Vista Drive
Maroochy River QLD 4561
+61 468410289

+61 468410289

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