
Emei Qigong Master Stan Pannone Provides Private And Group Classes Over Zoom

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Emei Qigong Master Stan Pannone is bringing the benefits of the rare healing system from China to interested students all over the world.

Emei is a complete healing system encompassing energetic cultivation through several different tools including sound, movement, visualization, meditation, and breath. Emei Qigong literally means “Energy Work”. Specifically designed for health and spiritual development, it has been passed down in an unbroken lineage for over 800 years. Now, Stan is continuing the work done by his Master, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, the 13th Lineage Holder of Emei Qigong.

stan pannone, emei qigong master

The Emei Qigong Healing System includes many tools including the Universal Mantra, Meta Qi-Zhen Model, Chan Meditation, Wuji Gong Form, "Feel the Qi" Standing Form, 18 Methods Form, and The Emei Sacred Healing Sounds for each major organ of the body. Stan recommends that the simplest way is to start with one thing and practice it daily. Then, as the student’s energy shifts, they can learn more and go deeper.

Stan says, “Most students find it immensely valuable to go through the Emei Qigong Energy Healing System seminars – Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, in order, to get the greatest benefit from their qigong practice. For example, the Wuji Gong Form assists in gaining spiritual awareness, dispelling diseases, and strengthening health while cultivating and maintaining latent abilities. It is taught in detail in our Level 1 Seminar. We also hold live Zoom Qigong classes every week and local classes in Vail/Tucson, Arizona.”

The Emei Qigong Level 1 Seminar, which is available to every student, is a three-day seminar that teaches fundamental theory, healing techniques, understanding empowered objects, and much more. Another Emei Form, the “Feel the Qi” Standing Form, is also studied in-depth during this seminar. In the Moving Program of Life Level 2 Seminar, students learn how to use the 5 Element Theory and still and moving meditations to balance their nature and change their destiny, making navigating life's ups and downs easier.

The Level 3 Seminar focuses on clearing the energetic root cause of disease. The seminar shows students that when they know how energy is stored in the body, they can determine where the energy needs to be released. Once the disruptive Qi is cleared in the body, then the outward manifestation of the disease will lessen or cease altogether.

Every disease has an energetic root, intertwined with our destiny and personal karmic lessons. This Level 3 Seminar, Clearing the Energetic Root Cause of Disease, empowers you to understand and transform these karmic patterns. Finally, students can also sign up for the BiGU (Grain Free Cellular Fasting), a 1-day seminar that teaches 4 levels of fasting in a natural way supported by different energetic practices. BiGU fasting puts the stomach in a state of hibernation and activates other systems to nourish the body.

“We urge you to visit our website and find out more about the special class sessions such as Karma Clearing and Universal Mantra Healing Meditation,” says Stan. “You can also schedule private healing and training sessions with me. The class schedule and calendar booking invites are all available online. There is also a ton of material to read about the Emei Qigong healing system and how it has transformed lives around the world.”

Over the years, Stan Pannone’s private and group sessions have received several positive testimonials from satisfied clients. One client says, “I started having private sessions remotely and was pleasantly surprised by how much better I felt after the sessions. I started joining his group classes and learned more about the Emei Qigong practice. My quality of life improved. After several months of private sessions and group classes, I took the Level 1 course to enhance my learning. I was impressed with the amount of applicable information! Most recently, I took Level 2 and learned more healing principles and techniques and it was an amazing experience. I continue with private sessions and group classes regularly and have incorporated Emei Qigong practice as part of my lifestyle.”

Readers are urged to find out more about Emei Qigong Healing Arts by visiting its website and signing up for the weekly Zoom classes.

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About Healing with Qi :

Stan Pannone, 14th Generation Emei Qigong Master, offers personal and group Qigong meditation/healing sessions and Sound Bath Healing Meditations. Qigong moves your energy to open meridians and energy centers, allowing your body to heal organically.

Contact Healing with Qi:

Stan Pannone

13997 E. Cheavront Loop
Vail, AZ 85641


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