
Professor Greg Watson Earns Prestigious ACUE Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice, Elevating Educational Standards at Pima Community College

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Dr. Greg Watson, a Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship at Pima Community College, has earned the prestigious ACUE Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice. This award is a significant milestone in Dr. Watson's academic journey. It highlights his dedication to using evidence-based teaching practices, which are key to promoting student success and retention.

To get the ACUE Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice Framework, one must complete about 60 hours of coursework. The program covers a wide range of essential teaching tactics. These include creating a productive learning environment, using active learning strategies, encouraging higher-order thinking, and using assessments to improve instruction and learning outcomes. These practices aim to make the classroom more engaging and effective.

Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice

Speaking about this achievement, Dr. Watson said, “Earning the ACUE Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice Framework is a testament to my commitment to elevating the teaching standards and enhancing the educational experience for my students. By integrating evidence-based teaching practices, we can improve student engagement and academic performance.”

Research shows that students in courses taught by ACUE-certified faculty often achieve higher academic success and have better retention rates. This evidence showcases the importance of the ACUE certificate in improving the quality of education at Pima Community College.

Dr. Watson will be celebrated along with other ACUE-certified faculty members at a pinning ceremony on All College Day, which is set for August 23, 2024, at the West Campus. This event honors the hard work of faculty who have completed the ACUE program. The ceremony will recognize educators who are dedicated to using high-impact teaching practices to benefit their students.

Dr. Watson's award is part of Pima Community College's wider effort to improve teaching quality and promote student success. The college aims to create an environment that supports continuous learning and development among its faculty, which positively affects student outcomes.

Besides his teaching duties, Dr. Watson is a retired serial entrepreneur. He shares his knowledge on entrepreneurship and ethics through his platform, The website offers various classes and resources focused on business and entrepreneurship, including courses on Small Business Management, Principles of Marketing, Advertising, and Ethics in the Workplace.

Dr. Watson's commitment to high-quality education is clear in his teaching methods and his engagement with students. He believes that effective teaching involves using proven methods that enhance the learning experience and contribute to students' academic and professional growth.

“Adopting evidence-based teaching practices is crucial for fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. These practices not only enhance the educational experience but also play a significant role in promoting student success,” Dr. Watson added.

The ACUE Certificate in Effective Teaching Practice Framework is a distinguished credential that reflects Dr. Watson's dedication to educational excellence. His achievement serves as an inspiration to fellow educators and highlights the importance of continuous professional development in education.

For more information about Dr. Greg Watson and his work, visit The site offers detailed insights into his classes, research, and a platform for students to share their experiences. You can also contact Dr. Watson through the provided channels on the website.

Dr. Watson’s accomplishment with the ACUE Certificate and his ongoing commitment to evidence-based teaching practices underscore his leadership in education. His efforts to promote student success and retention through innovative teaching strategies continue to make a significant impact at Pima Community College and beyond.

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About Professor Watson :

Dr. Greg Watson is a retired serial entrepreneur, dedicated to giving back to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. He experienced dedicated college professor, thus a lifelong commitment to training, teaching, and giving to others was born

Contact Professor Watson:

Greg Watson

1255 N. Stone Ave. Tucson, AZ 85709-3000
(520) 270-7020


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