The burgeoning infrared sauna market has increased by 50% over the past 4 years, leaving many potential buyers wondering about the best ways to use a sauna most effectively. Healing Heat Therapy, well reputed in the industry, has recently updated their guidelines regarding what is one of the main points of confusion for users. That point of confusion is how to choose the ideal temperature for infrared sauna use. These updated guidelines, which are now published on Healing Heat Therapy’s website dedicated to infrared sauna healing benefits, look to clarify this important question.
“One of the most misunderstood aspects of infrared sauna use is that of temperature settings,” says Healing Heat Therapy owner Cody Martin. “Many users believe the ideal infrared sauna temperature is simply the higher the better. As a result, many users often set the temperature much too high and wait until this high temperature has been reached before entering the sauna. This often results in the heaters cycling on and off which actually reduces the amount of infrared the user receives. We really wanted to help educate the typical user on the subject of what is an average ideal sauna temperature.”
The 2018–2022 edition of a global spa and sauna annual report was recently published in August with an outlook for the worldwide industry. The report, which was titled The Global Spa and Sauna Component Market, provided readers with a global analysis of the history and outlook for the industry. Its focus included the factors that have fueled the global growth and the trends that will continue to do so into the next 4 years. With this increasing market demand, more is needed in the area of product education.
“The lack of consumer help on proper usage is disappointing. We believe understanding proper temperature settings will allow many more people to receive the health improvements that they are seeking when using infrared therapy,” Cody further added. “A very high temperature will result in much more profuse sweating. However, this is accompanied by a high level of electrolyte loss and a corresponding reduction in the amount of toxins removed from the body. For many it may seem a little counter intuitive, but a longer session at a lower temperature will produce much more of what is ultimately the desired benefits.”
Industry leading companies have been increasing their product offerings and have been experiencing a subsequent increase in sales. However, along with these excellent offerings, other smaller and less beneficial start ups have emerged. This trend has further diluted the available education and information on how to best use the products.
Following the August 2018 release of the industry outlook, contacts to Healing Heat Therapy containing questions on usage tips have noticeably increased. Due to the report’s attention to the forecasted growth, many of these questions center on how hot to set an infrared sauna. Most information found online related to average sauna temperature guidelines simply states to set the unit to a comfortable level. Specific help is usually missing from even large industry websites and user manuals. This was part of the impetus for Healing Heat Therapy’s attention to updating its published guidelines for use.
The benefit of these devices as well as their increasing popularity was recently supported further by a paper published by the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic is world-renown for its focus on healing lung diseases, cancer, heart valve diseases and other serious health issues. The Clinic has just published its findings in its August 2018 proceedings paper. Saunas were found to have numerous health benefits. However, the proper sweating needs to take place for a large percentage of these benefits to occur.
As Cody Martin again shared, “To get a bit more technical, the Eccrine glands, which handle most of the body’s daily sweating processes, are certainly activated in very high temp saunas. However, the desired goal is to also activate the Apocrine glands. These secrete sweat which contains significantly higher levels of organic compounds and fats. A lower temperature sweat will accomplish this.”
It appears the overall market is poised to increase over 50% during the next 4 years. In this current environment of increasing attention to the benefits of infrared saunas, Healing Heat Therapy believes the information they have provided can positively impact a significant amount of consumers.
In response to all of the increased attention to these products, the company’s belief is that their newly published updates are in fact vital to all sauna users. As a result, the company has released the updated guidelines information to its entire Blogger network and to its other numerous social media outlets. Additional tips for gaining the most from a session are found at, as well as a section on the website dedicated to overall benefits.
Healing Heat Therapy is an infrared sauna informational resource whose owner regularly meets with sauna company owners and industry representatives. It was formed in 2012 after the owner experienced dramatic health benefits resulting from his use of infrared therapy. For more information, company contact information is provided below.
We provide you the best infrared sauna reviews based on regular talks with the owners of Jacuzzi Clearlight Saunas, Sunlighten, Heavenly Heat Saunas, Health Mate Saunas and Vital Health Saunas. Giving you information based on our 10 years of research.
Colorado Springs, CO
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