
London Drain Inspections And Surveys Bespoke For Home Buyers And Property Owners

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RSJ Drains London

London based drainage company, RSJ Drains, is offering a bespoke drains inspection and survey service for home buyers and property owners.

Any Londoner needing to check that the drainage at their property has been properly installed, or if anyone is buying a property in London and needs to have the drains checked as part of the survey, or if a property owner is building an extension to their home, or if anyone is having recurring problems with their drains, then it might be worthwhile to have a drain survey undertaken to examine drains, sewers and pipelines in greater detail.

More information about this service from RSJ Drains can be read here:

Company spokesman, Carl Rumsey, stated: “We are able to offer fellow Londoners the professional service of a drain survey & inspections that will record and identify any current or even hidden problems such as leaking drains which could cause subsidence in the future leading to damaging and costly work. RSJ Drains comprehensive report will describe the drain conditions and make recommendations for any works necessary to ensure that the inspected drains are working properly.”

In older properties, cracked drains are a serious problem that may result in property damage, malodour, pollution of soil and groundwater as well as the spread of diseases. Hence, getting older property drains inspected and surveyed can give property owners or buyers peace of mind, by having elaborate knowledge on the condition of the property drains.

There are several reasons for causing cracked pipes. These include the incursion of roots, underground movement and corrosion in the case of metal pipes. Property owners and buyers are urged not to overlook common signs of cracked drains. These include foul smells, localised wet patches and sinkholes as well as cracked walls and floors. The signs of cracked drains are not always apparent to property owners and sometimes the condition may only be confirmed through professional inspection by a qualified plumber.

Interested parties needing a drain inspection and survey undertaken at their London property are encouraged to contact RSJ Drains by dialling +44-20-3566-6031. The company’s website address is:

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About Z RSJ Drains Unblocking & CCTV Drain Surveys :

RSJ Drains is a family-run business in London, UK, that cares for its customers and provides emergency drain unblocking services as well as CCTV drain surveys.The company offers timely service with transparent pricing.

Contact Z RSJ Drains Unblocking & CCTV Drain Surveys:

Carl Rumsey

RSJ Drains Unblocking & CCTV Drain Surveys, Flat 27 Fieldview Court, Highbury Grove, London N5 2AL, United Kingdom


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