
Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry Shares Announcement Regarding COVID - 19 Protocols

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Austin, TX based Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry is reaching out to the communities they serve in order to make an important announcement regarding their activities in the immediate future. Given the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the dental clinic wishes to clear the air and let their patients know how they plan to proceed.

Dr. Evy Guerrero of Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry states, “I hope everyone is staying healthy, calm and spending quality family time together during these unprecedented times due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. There have been significant mandated changes for our dental practice to help reduce the impact this illness will cause on the public. However, as dental professionals, we have a responsibility to you and have been encouraged to assist you, should you have an emergency or urgent dental need that prevents you from seeking recourse at the emergency room.”

With immediate effect, Dr. Guerrero states that she will be available for teledentistry services for all the clinic’s patients as well as other pediatric patients who may need assistance and cannot reach their dental home dentist. Teledentistry services are services provided via any form of electronic communication such as email, text, video or phone consultation. Each patient will be managed via teledentistry services, and those who absolutely need to be seen in-office will be advised on a case-by-case basis.

The doctor emphasizes, “If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call us. The number to call during normal business hours is 512-917-4550. The number to call after normal business hours is 512-701-5050. Leave a message if there is no answer, and we will respond as soon as we can.”

The spread of the COVID-19 virus will likely mean that social distancing protocols will continue to rise in prominence for the foreseeable future. While this may mean that setting up an appointment with the dentist will not be as simple a process as it was only a month ago, Dr. Guerrero is quick to reassure her patients that the clinic will continue to see those who cannot make do with teledentistry.

She says, “For those who may need to be seen in-office, know that we continue to use hospital-grade surface disinfectants and strict sterilization techniques. Every surface in each treatment room, and every piece of equipment is fully disinfected every time. Handwashing techniques continue to be enforced and hand sanitizer is available as well. In addition, each room is supplied with fresh ozonated water, which is a potent disinfectant that aids in reducing and/or removing unwanted mouth microorganisms and viruses. You will also notice we are using different personal protective equipment. Any blankets or scrubs used by myself are washed and dried in-office.”

For parents with children who have emergencies and absolutely need to be seen in-office, there are certain check-in procedures that must be followed. When scheduling an appointment, parents should inform the clinic whether they, their child or anyone at home is sick (or has been sick in the past 2-3 weeks or diagnosed with coronavirus). The practice requests that several other pertinent details be shared as well, including a confirmation whether the parent, their child, or anyone at home has traveled to a high risk country or any high risk area within the United States.

A full list of such high risk zones can be found on the CDC’s website at the following link: Should the answer be yes to any of these questions, the clinic will still do their best to help the child but may not be able to see them in-office.

Dr. Guerrero states, “We recommend that you fill out any forms online prior to your visit to minimize contact with our iPads. Call us when you arrive to let us know you are here, and wait in your car until we open the door for you. Our front office team member will open the door for you so you do not have to touch any door handles. Only one parent is allowed to come inside the office with the patient, and no other children are allowed to come in with you. Bring only necessary items into the office.” For example, parents are advised to avoid bringing coffee mugs, iPads, water bottles, toys and so on.

“Your temperature and that of your child/baby will be taken, and you will be asked to fill out the COVID-19 questionnaire,” continues the doctor. “Use hand sanitizer that is available on the counter at check-in for both you and your child or go directly in the bathroom to wash your hands. Put on the mask provided for you and your child, except for babies. Any documents we need to give you will be placed next to your mask. Place them in your bag, purse or pocket immediately. You will be then directed to the treatment room, and I will provide care promptly to minimize the amount of time you spend outside of your home. When you are done, the door will be opened for you so you do not have to touch any door handles as you exit.” Parents are advised that other instructions may be shared with them over the phone or at the office.

Dr. Guerrero concludes, “Thank you for your understanding and flexibility given these extraordinary circumstances. As a parent of an 8 month old baby, be assured we are taking all the steps necessary to protect you and your family. I look forward to the day we can see each other again. I miss all the hugs and smiles from all our kids! Please hug them for me, and tell them Dr. Evy says hi! May God bless you all! Sincerely, Dr. Evy Guerrero.”

Further inquiries may be directed to Dr. Evy Guerrero or her staff at Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry. Information regarding their services can be found on their website as well, and parents are advised to follow the dental practice on their social media platforms to stay abreast of their latest news and announcements.

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About Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry :

Adult and pediatric dentistry with a holistic approach for the Southwest Austin, Oak Hill, Cedar Valley, Dripping Springs communities. Biocompatibility testing available!

Contact Green Apple Pediatric Dentistry:

Evy Guerrero

11601 US Hwy 290 West, Suite
B105, Austin, TX 78737

(512) 917-4550

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