Cedar Park, Texas -
Cedar Park, TX based Wealthward Capital recently published an article on accredited investors and investing. According to the firm, a large number of tech employees qualify as accredited investors yet remain completely unaware of the fact. The secret to turning money into more money is to understand the opportunities that exist for accredited investors, such as certain real estate investments. By creating a passive income investment, anyone can ensure that they have access to regular hard cash every month or every quarter. The article invites accredited tech employees to have a look at Wealthward Capital’s high-yield investment opportunities, which are designed to make money work for the investor.
“Only accredited investors are allowed to trade securities that aren't registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the state-level regulator,” says the article. “Many tech employees are compensated well, both in salary and in equity, but they sacrifice a lot for that money. I know, because I've been a tech employee for most of my career. It was after I went through an IPO that I realized I needed to understand the broader world of investment so that I could now make my money work for me. After an immense amount of research, I did find a way to make my money work for me. This journey and ultimate success led me to start Wealthward Capital so I could help other tech employees do the same. The secret to making your money work for you lies in the opportunities that exist for accredited investors, such as certain real estate investments.”
The wealthiest families in the United States invest about half their assets in alternative investments (which are investments that do not fit into the usual investment categories like equity, debt and cash). Wealthward Capital places its focus on alternative investments targeted at high earning tech employees. Their basic philosophy is that all tech employees need a source of passive income and that a passive income investment needs to give the investor regular hard cash every month or every quarter. The cash needs to be in addition to the initial principal invested.
An accredited investor is an individual with over one million dollars in net assets, excluding their primary residence or someone who has earned $200,000 in the two preceding years. People with at least one million in assets are also known as high net worth individuals. People who are either knowledgeable employees who work for investment companies or individuals who hold certain professional certifications are also considered accredited.
Becoming an accredited investor takes a relatively short amount of time. The article says, “To reach accredited investor status, you must meet the salary requirements for the last two calendar years, either individually or with your spouse. You must either meet the requirements individually for two years, or with your spouse for two years, but never a mix of both. For example, let’s say your W-2 wages sum up to $250,000 in Year One. But then your circumstances change, you get a new job, and your earnings drop to $180,000. Your spouse was not working in Year One, but also got a job in Year Two, and his/her wages are now also $150,000. Although you qualified in Year One (personal earnings over $200K) and also in Your Two (joint earnings over $300K), you would not be considered accredited because it must be either $200K of your personal earnings for two years, or joint earnings of $300K for two years, not a mix of both. The net worth requirement does not have a time limit. So long as you meet this requirement, you are considered an accredited investor. It is expected that you will maintain the same income level for in subsequent year.”
Being an accredited investor confers a financial advantage to the investor. An accredited investor is able to invest more of their wealth due to being in a much stronger financial position which means the potential reward for their investment also tends to be much higher, and they also have access to certain investment options that others might not. For more information on accredited investors & investing, visit Wealthward Capital’s site and read their article.
Wealthward Capital is a private equity investment firm that educates investors and provides institutional quality investments. We help technology employees grow their careers, build wealth and make an impact.
100 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 149 Cedar Park, TX, 78613-6937 United States
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