Double Lotus Acupuncture, an acupuncture and integrative medicine clinic based in Grass Valley, CA, is offering clients the benefits of Polychromatic LED Light Therapy.
Polychromatic Light Therapy, PLT, works by simultaneously delivering light of two different wavelengths into the body. The light penetrates tissues to varying depths and is absorbed by the body’s cells to stimulate the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), a process termed Photobiomodulation (PBM). PLT also facilitates the release of nitric oxide triggering a variety of healing processes such as vasodilation, angiogenesis, and neurogenesis.
On its website, Double Lotus Acupuncture links to several studies that back up the effectiveness of photobiomodulation on a range of medical conditions. For example, in a small demonstration project, 5 veterans with documented mTBI (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury) were provided treatment with InLight Medical polychromatic light LED therapy (PLT) pads with Progressive Multi-pulse™ technology to their heads for a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 times per week for 12 weeks. According to the Brain SPECT imaging obtained before and after the PLT application, each veteran reported a marked improvement in their symptoms along with increased brain blood flow.
At Double Lotus Acupuncture, founder Dr. Abbie Crimm offers Polychromatic Light Therapy with the Inlight Wellness light therapy systems, an FDA Cleared Class II Medical Device. Abbie talks about the benefits of the procedure by saying, “PLT is a simple yet powerful way to increase circulation, blood flow, oxygenation, and healing. It is also proven to be effective at aiding traumatic brain injury recovery, mitigating dementia, reducing neuropathy, and speeding wound healing.”
Patients at Double Lotus Acupuncture can choose to add light therapy to their acupuncture or other healing treatments at an extra cost of $15 or opt for a 30-minute light therapy session for just $40. Abbie is also an authorized distributor of the Inlight Wellness light therapy systems, giving Grass Valley residents a chance to rent or purchase a unit for home use from a qualified medical practitioner whom they can trust.
Dr. Abbie Crimm, DACM, L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, certified massage therapist, and health coach with over 15 years of experience. After graduating with Honors from Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley, she earned a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Science, San Diego.
The clinic’s clients in and around Grass Valley have thanked Abbie repeatedly for the difference she was able to bring to their lives, addressing health concerns such as pain, digestive health, anxiety, stress-related disorders, women's health, and fertility, chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, autoimmunity, and more. Abbie’s professionalism and expertise in functional medicine have earned the Grass Valley acupuncture clinic a perfect 5.0 out of 5.0 overall rating on its Google Business Profile.
One client recounts her experience with Abbie by saying, “I was rear-ended on the freeway and had awful neck and back pain from this accident. The silver lining was finding Dr. Abbie Crimm! She is not only a healer and a seasoned Acupuncturist with years of expertise but also a Ph.D. who knows what she is doing and why. I immediately felt comfortable and blessed to be in her care. After several sessions, the pain subsided, and then I was sideswiped on the freeway 6 weeks later and came back for more care for 3 months. It's been almost a year after this ordeal, and I am thankfully PAIN-FREE because of her TLC and Acupuncture. Investing in my own health with this respectful, well-respected Acupuncturist made all the difference!”
Apart from Polychromatic Light Therapy, Double Lotus Acupuncture’s other offerings include Functional Medicine with Blood Chemistry Lab Report Analysis, Sauna Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Quantum Biofeedback Therapy with the Indigo Biofeedback device, Electro-Acupuncture as well as Frequency Specific Microcurrent, herbal formulas, and Facial Acupuncture.
Readers interested in experiencing the benefits of Polychromatic LED Light Therapy at Double Lotus Acupuncture in Grass Valley, CA, can contact the clinic at (530) 648-4192 to schedule an appointment.
Double Lotus Acupuncture located in the downtown historic district of Grass Valley offers a variety of natural healing therapies. Dr. Abigail Crimm, DAOM, L.Ac. has been working in complementary medicine for decades and is highly skilled.
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