
Alia Takes Fun Chalk Chalk Markers To New Heights with Rainbow Rock Project

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Caledon, Canada - Customers of the increasingly popular Fun Chalk Liquid Chalk Markers are always finding interesting ways to utilize the markers around the home and school. One little girl named Alia decided to take her creativity a bit further by establishing a kindness project.

Alia, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, had started in December 2015 to paint rainbows on rocks using the window markers and leaving outdoors as a surprise for people to find. She wanted to use the rainbow rocks to spread kindness and make people smile. Alia was inspired by the Kindness Elves to do some good around Christmas time and also by the Word Rocks Project which is geared towards spreading kindness through word rocks.

The project expanded after Alia’s mother suggested to not just paint rainbow rocks but to do it for a good cause. Alia decided to sell her rocks for $1 each and donate to a cause she believed in. She called the idea the Rainbow Rock Project. On her website, Alia stated “My goal is to sell 500 rocks in 2016 and donate all proceeds to my local homeless shelter, Bay Area Rescue Mission.”

Alia would state about her rainbow rocks, “Each rock has a bright rainbow I paint myself and is sealed so the rain won't wash away the rainbow! On the back is a quote I came up with myself: ‘Here's a rock from me to you that grants wishes and happiness too!’”

Eventually after the launch, Alia was able to make her target within 2 days with the help of some online friends. The project continues with persons having a chance to purchase a rock on the donate page of her website.

The company Fun Chalk loved the idea behind the Rainbow Rock Project and decided to assist. They donated five packages of window markers to the project.

“I chose this project because I am committed to spreading kindness, as I have shown many ways to do so throughout the year through social media. I love combining art and kindness projects. I myself am inspired by the work of Word Rock Project, which also inspired Alia to create her own rock project. I chose this project because I wanted to help a little girl realize she is never too small or young to make a difference in the world. Her dream was to help raise money for a homeless shelter and I was going to help her do that,” remarked a spokesperson from Fun Chalk.

The Fun Chalk Window Markers is sold exclusively on Amazon at an affordable price. The product comes in eight fluorescent colors and makes markings with premium ink.

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About Gold Star Selections :

Gold Star Selections was started in the spring of 2014. Company is dedicated to providing consumers with top quality products, that are affordable and safe to use.

Contact Gold Star Selections:

Gold Star Selections

350 MacDonald St.
Caledon, Canada L7C 1G7

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