
Authoritative Positioning and Branding for Business Owners held in Chicago, IL

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Business Owners looking for the latest information on Branding a business to be the Top 1 percent of Top 1 percent attended Mega Entrepreneur held August 11-12, 2018 in Chicago, IL.

When asked about the reasons behind creating this event, the host of the event, JT Foxx, World's #1 Wealth and Business Coach said: “Look to see people’s potential when they can’t, never giving up on anyone, and stays awake at night thinking about how to provide value and how to make every single one of my clients a success.”

TransMedia Powerhouse attended this event, which covered key issues such as: Business Authority and How Branding Achieves Authority Positioning – Achieving a position of authority sets a business or entrepreneur at the top of their competition within their marketplace. The branding takes that authority positioning and ensures all targeted clients are aware of the business' uniqueness over any competitors.

Authoritative Positioning Marketing with Gene Simmons and Jeff Yoe from TransMedia Powerhouse, (405) 562-8494

Becoming a Multi-MultiMillionaire through "Branding Insistence". When placed on a scale of one to ten with ten being the top, then Brand Insistence would be a ten, Brand Preference is a three and Brand Awareness a one. Brand Insistence is like the Apple Store and the Windows Store in a local mall. Both have phones, tablets, personal computers, and accessories. But when walking into each store one has the most passionate customers that are packing the store, Apple. When Apple releases a new product like a new iPhone they have clients lined up for hours or days before release to purchase the new iPhone. These clients ignore all other brands and will only purchase Apple products, this is "Brand Insistence" and should be the objective of every business. Much of this is achieved through authority positioning and a "wow" customer experience.

Business Growth - Achieving business growth through branding and marketing

A business can only grow in one of three ways:

1. Get More Customers. This is the most common way business owners look at growing their business.

2. Increase the size of the transactions for both new and existing customers. McDonald's is one of the best at increasing the size of the transaction. When ordering a hamburger they ask to make that a meal. When agreed to a meal they ask to make that a large.

3. Increase the frequency of transactions. Get customers to come back more often. If they have been purchasing once a month, market for them to come in twice a month.

As JT Foxx states, "14% of gross revenue should be spent on marketing." Marketing is the engine that drives business growth. Cutting out the marketing is like cutting out the oxygen that feeds the engine, Foxx says. Digital Marketing can provide some of the highest measurable return on investment driving business in these three growth areas.

Stalking Clients - Business must stalk their clients finding out what they need, want and like and then providing it in a "wow" experience. It's the Law of Attraction for business, Foxx states.

a. Businesses must conduct research to allow a client to see why they would want to do a deal or conduct their transaction at that business.

b. Get into the clients head and flush out the solutions that they need or allow a client to easily see a product or service makes there life easier.

c. When you gain authority positioning placing your business in the Top 1 percent of Top 1% people will gravitate to that business.

More details can be found on TransMedia Powerhouse website.

Jeff Yoe from TransMedia Powerhouse in attendance stated: "Some of the best training and action steps of how to grow your brand, authority position and create a customer "wow" experience. We will add this to not only our business but the businesses that we consult."

The TransMedia Powerhouse website has details about authoritative positioning.

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Digital marketing consultants – Working with your plans and objectives to build campaigns with proven proprietary marketing processes that have increased revenues over 42% in less than 6 months and over 803% ROI of marketing investment.

Contact TransMedia Powerhouse:

Dustin Yoe

24 S. Easy St, #100
Edmond, OK 73012


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