Dharma Acupuncture in Scottsdale, AZ, is now offering relief to cancer patients for the symptoms of cancer treatment. The use of acupuncture on cancer patients has been recommended by the American Cancer Society as a means of treating the often serious side effects that can come along with various cancer treatments.
During the course of cancer treatment, some patients can experience pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, breathlessness, edema, and various other symptoms. Studies have shown that acupuncture and Chinese herbs can have a profound effect on relieving these symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation.
Lisa Swanson of Dharma Acupuncture recently commented on the new service, saying, "For conditions where the cancer is detected early, acupuncture can maintain and promote the normal functioning of the body. Several studies have shown its ability to boost the immune system and encourage the growth of healthy functioning cells. This counteracts the result of radiation and chemotherapy that tends to attack both normal and abnormal cells." Acupuncture can also induce a state of calm and relaxation, which can alleviate physical and emotional pain. More can be read at http://www.dharmaacupuncture.com/.
Acupuncture acts against carcinogens (factors attributable to cancer development) through its ability to reduce stress and enhance immune function. Studies confirm that red and white cell development increases after consistent acupuncture treatments, thereby strengthening the immune system.
For many people undergoing chemotherapy, the dreaded side effect of nausea and vomiting is more difficult than the chemotherapy itself. A study conducted at UCLA found significant reduction of nausea and vomiting when the patients were treated with acupuncture before undergoing chemotherapy. American Cancer Society reports that acupuncture is now routinely administered before, after and in between chemotherapy treatment sessions for control of nausea and vomiting. The use of acupuncture minimizes the use of standard, expensive multi-drug regimens so that side effects of cancer treatments are reduced and the side effects of anti-nausea medication are avoided altogether.
Lisa Swanson interned at the Women's Cancer Resource Center in Oakland, CA and the Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic in Oakland, CA while in the San Francisco Bay area. She has seen and treated many types of cancer and now offers acupuncture to patients undergoing cancer treatment. More about Lisa and Dharma Acupuncture can be viewed at http://www.dharmaacupuncture.com/#!oncology/c1x3s.
A 15 year integrative medicine practitioner, Dr. Lisa Swanson, DAIM, L.Ac. is the founder of Dharma Acupuncture in Scottsdale. Certified in Functional Medicine and as a Kundalini Yoga instructor. Private sessions, workshops and events.
10051 E Dynamite Blvd., G-105
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
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