Dharma Acupuncture in Scottsdale, AZ, is offering clients the healing benefits of Esoteric Acupuncture, a unique form of acupuncture practiced by specially trained acupuncturists.
Esoteric Acupuncture (EA) is a complete system geared towards chakra balancing and looking at the body through a purely preventive lens. First developed by Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac, EA is focused on emotions, self-growth, and development. According to Dharma Acupuncture, EA is considered “a love-based practice that fosters healing on all levels and is always done with the intention of the highest good.”
On its website, Dr. Lisa Swanson, DAIM, L.Ac., founder of Dharma Acupuncture, describes what patients can expect while undergoing regular EA care by saying, “An awakening will occur that will change the way you feel and interact with yourself and others. How and when this happens depends on when you are ready. You will receive high-quality acupuncture treatments that will leave you completely relaxed in your physical body. You will also have the opportunity to experience your mental, astral, and etheric bodies to access finer frequency levels that give you the greatest opportunity to grow spiritually and enhance your Inner Plane work.”
Dharma Acupuncture recommends that its clients participate in regular engagements and treatments at least once or twice a month to unlock the full potential of EA. Unlike almost all Western medicine practitioners, who offer the disease care model when a patient approaches them with a particular set of symptoms, with EA, the patient is treated regardless of physical or psychological disturbances to maintain the forward progression of consciousness development.
Lisa is an Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine practitioner with over 15 years of experience under her belt. She holds a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine from Acupuncture Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley, and is certified as a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Kundalini Yoga Instructor. She can help her patients find relief through and overcome a range of medical conditions such as aging, allergies, chronic disease, chronic pain, digestive disorders, migraines and headaches, and thyroid, adrenal, and other hormonal disorders.
“I spent years helping my clients at my medical-based acupuncture practice in Grass Valley, California, before deciding to return to my roots,” Lisa says. “I was 20 when I first experienced the healing power of Esoteric Acupuncture and was elated when it eradicated my frequent migraines. It was the reason why I embraced alternative medicine in the first place. Not only did I find relief from my headaches but it also changed the way I felt about my body and refreshed my outlook on the world. Now, after over a decade-long career studying all aspects of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and functional medicine, coming back to EA was the spark that reinvigorated my love for alternative medicine. At Dharma Acupuncture & Functional Medicine, I’m strongly committed to bringing the benefits of its compassionate healing practices to Scottsdale residents from all walks of life.”
The services offered by Lisa have struck a chord with the local community. On its Google Business Profile, the Scottsdale acupuncture and functional medicine center has a perfect 5.0 out of 5.0 overall rating with clients praising Lisa’s expertise and professionalism and the profound effect that her treatments had on them.
One reviewer writes, “Lisa is incredible at what she does. First acupuncturist that I saw real results with. She is excellent at diagnosing and treating all kinds of conditions and imbalances. I can't recommend her highly enough.”
Another client, who consulted with Lisa at her previous practice in California, says, “I've gone to Lisa many times for acupuncture. She is always incredibly welcoming and soothing. I always feel well cared for when I go in for treatments. She's knowledgeable, and punctual, and always makes me feel better when I leave. I highly recommend Lisa Swanson to anyone seeking acupuncture in Grass Valley.”
Readers looking for the best Scottsdale acupuncture services can contact Dharma Acupuncture & Functional Medicine at (480) 530-1912 to schedule an appointment.
A 15 year integrative medicine practitioner, Dr. Lisa Swanson, DAIM, L.Ac. is the founder of Dharma Acupuncture in Scottsdale. Certified in Functional Medicine and as a Kundalini Yoga instructor. Private sessions, workshops and events.
10051 E Dynamite Blvd., G-105
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
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