Scottsdale, Arizona based Dharma Acupuncture has announced that their services can be effective for relieving pain associated with shingles. Shingles is a disease that is carried by all individuals who have had chicken pox. The rash can cause debilitating pain and weakness in many patients.
One patient suffering from shingles made an appointment at the Scottsdale Acupuncture clinic, owned by Lisa Swanson, for treatment of post neuralgic shingles pain. Three months after the patient broke out with the singles rash, she reported that she was still experiencing severe pain, even though the rash had completely healed. "I was very sensitive to touch, even the feel of clothing against my skin caused extreme discomfort, and I was unable to carry out my normal exercise routine, which in turn caused me to gain weight and feel hopeless and depressed," stated the patient.
Lisa Swanson of Dharma Acupuncture stated, "Within just three weeks, after six treatments, the patient stated that her pain was completely gone and she was able to wear clothing comfortably. She was also able to return to her normal exercise regime at that time."
Swanson states that this is not the first time she has treated a patient for shingles and the post neuralgic pain associated with the rash. Before moving to Scottsdale, Arizona, she lived and practiced in California where she treated several patients per week using acupuncture to relieve pain from a number of illnesses, including the shingles virus rash. Swanson admits that most pain cases are typically low back pain, as well as fibromyalgia, various sports injuries, or repetitive stress. She pointed out that all types of pain can be treated by acupuncture.
According to Swanson, scheduling an appointment with the acupuncture clinic for treatment as soon as the shingles rash appears offers a more effective way of healing. However as explained above, acupuncture can still be a beneficial form of treatment, even in later stages.
Those suffering with shingles pain, or pain associated with other injuries or illness can make an appointment with the acupuncturist in Scottsdale on the clinic's official website.
A 15 year integrative medicine practitioner, Dr. Lisa Swanson, DAIM, L.Ac. is the founder of Dharma Acupuncture in Scottsdale. Certified in Functional Medicine and as a Kundalini Yoga instructor. Private sessions, workshops and events.
10051 E Dynamite Blvd., G-105
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
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